Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name


Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

​One piece of dough, one spoonful of fillings, one fold and one pinch, make a simple wonton; interestingly, a small wonton, under the influence of different food customs in the north and south, has also developed Different names and characteristics came out.

The dumplings in the north and the wontons in the south are fighting against each other, and people in every region in the south have almost obsessive persistence to the taste of the wonton in their hometown. Chaoshou in Sichuan and Chongqing, wonton in Guangdong and Hong Kong, flat food in Fujian...

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

What is the difference between so many kinds of wontons? If you go to Baidu and check it, you will probably be perfunctory by an explanation of "multiple names", but in fact, each has its own unique style; today I will let Taiwan and Taiwan reveal the difference between wontons. version.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton -one of the souls of Guangdong-Hong Kong dim sum, the thin to semi-transparent Wonton skin, full of shrimp fillings are ready to come out, the four words describe "the skin is thin and the stuffing is beautiful"! From a visual perspective alone, Wonton is about to win the next city first.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Although the wonton wrapper is thin, it has a tough and chewy texture. It is not as light as Suzhou small wontons. The reason is the egg in the pasta, so the authentic wonton can taste slightly eggy.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Cantonese people are picky and delicate in eating, so the wonton itself is not the only protagonist. The umami taste of the soup must also be considered in place; the soup made from dried ground fish has a clear and translucent umami, so bring the wonton when it is filled Half a spoonful of soup was delivered to the mouth together, and the umami flavor slowly spread down the esophagus, and at the same time it bloomed in my mind.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Out-of-towners always agree that wanton and Zhusheng noodles exist at the same time to be authentic enough, but in fact, few locals in Guangdong deliberately pursue this kind of "exquisiteness", and even many locals like to order a wanton alone.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

However, the combination of wonton and bamboo noodles is indeed well-documented: in ancient times, wonton noodles were first called "rong", with a variety of specifications and the least amount of "fine rice," one or two in a bowl of four wontons The noodles are just enough to relieve gluttons, just order them as you want, without burden, and then they are passed down.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The red oil is spread all over the country, which perfectly explains the Sichuan and Chongqing people’s unpleasant eating habits; however, the special feature of the red oil is not only the red oil, and the red oil soup base does not represent all the red oil. .

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The thickness of the crust is between ordinary wontons and dumplings. The thickness of the crust is especially good for sauce, especially suitable for spicy red oil soup base. The filling is mainly simple pork filling.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The soup base made with red oil is not simply spicy enough. The addition of "Zanthoxylum bungeanum" is the soul of the soup. A bowl of authentic red oil must take into account the fragrance, spiciness and hemp in order to make the tip of the tongue. A pleasant "trembling feeling".

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

In addition to the red oil copy hand, there is also a clear soup copy hand that does not count, which is also quite common in Sichuan and Chongqing. Of course, the chicken soup base is naturally too light in the hearts of Sichuan and Chongqing people, so the authentic clear soup copy hand will definitely match Oil the chili pepper and dip it in water.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The locals in Chengdu seem to prefer the dry mix. Without the "binding" of the soup, the aroma and spiciness of the condiments are brighter on the outside. They pick up a hand made of red oil sauce and crushed peanuts. , Put it in your mouth, it's very good!

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Compared with Sichuan and Chongqing people’s obsession with sauces, diners in southern Fujian have a deeper research on fillings: traditional flat food fillings must be minced meat that has been beaten. Yes, just like Chaoshan beef balls, it is beaten. from.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

For authentic flat food stuffing, the choice must be pork leg. After simply removing the tendons and membranes, start to beat it with a mallet until it becomes a paste, then add various seasonings and stir. The preparation of a filling alone takes a long time.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The minced meat fillings that have been beaten must have a chewy texture and chewy texture. The flat food is slightly smaller compared to other regions. The soup base is simple and seasoned to highlight the flavor of the minced meat. Each bite is tender and refreshing.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

@樟树 Published

Compared to household names such as Chaoshou and Wonton, the clear soup popular in Jiangxi seems to be less well-known across the country, but in Zhangshu, the density of clear soup shops is comparable to that of teahouses in Chengdu.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

@樟树 Published

The clear soup should be one of the smallest wontons in the north and south of the Yangtze River. It is not a spoon, but bamboo slices that are used to dig the stuffing. The chef who wraps the clear soup always uses bamboo slices to quickly dip the meat stuffing, and make one with a pinch. , The speed is so fast that you will doubt whether he has covered it with fillings.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

@樟树 Published

The clear soup has a thin skin and little meat, so it doesn't take long to cook in the pot, and the time must be controlled within one minute. After a long time, it will boil and become a bowl of batter. The clear soup is boiled and floats danglingly in the soup. The translucent skin is small and cute. One spoon can hold two or three. It just snors and disappears in the mouth without chewing. Under the intriguing slightly meaty flavor.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

If you want to compare with the clear soup and select the "smallest wonton award", perhaps only the bubble wonton from Suzhou can compete. The same is a small wonton with less filling, but the bubble wonton in Suzhou is more cute and recognizable because of the unique method.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

When pinching the thin cicada-winged wonton wrappers, they deliberately leave a space inside, and the mouth is pinched. After high-temperature cooking, the internal air expands, and it turns into bulging bubbles. A little bit of "poor" meat, just to make the mouth firmer, a small bowl of meat filling is estimated to make hundreds of bubble wontons.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The wonton of the Uygur people has a lovely name-Ququ.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Adhering to the local characteristics of Xinjiang people’s first eating mutton, the stuffing of Ququ must be mutton~ The skin is slightly thicker and harder, which is quite the habit of the locals to eat noodles, and the fresh mutton soup as the base of the soup must be added. Some tomatoes are authentic enough to season them.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Shanghai people love to eat wontons, and big wontons must be big enough! From the perspective of the fillings, the big wonton stuffed with shepherd's purse meat is the favorite of Shanghainese. The unique umami flavor with shepherd's purse is rarely found in other places.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

In addition to the fillings, Shanghainese eat wontons. They also have their own unique and sophisticated methods: simple big wontons have derived different ways of eating cold and fried. In summer, cold wontons are mixed with sauce and put in your mouth one by one. Cool and delicious!

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

By the way, there is also a kind of chai 爿 wonton that has been almost lost in Shanghai. It is cooked with wood fire and has a unique taste that is unspeakable, but now it is hard to eat the most authentic. However, the casserole small wonton on the roadside is similar to the Chaiyan small wonton. If you are interested, you can try it!

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Unexpectedly, there is actually a "seasonal version" of wonton, a national snack, from Jiangyin. The saury wonton from Jiangyin is best eaten only a short time before the Qingming Festival. After the Qingming Festival, the saury fish bones harden, and the taste and texture will be better. It's wrong.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The bones of saury are thin and numerous, which is particularly troublesome to handle. It is necessary to slowly remove the meat from the skeleton, then chop it into a minced meat shape and sift through a fine sieve. Add the minced shrimp, fatty meat, minced chives and seasonings and stir to strengthen the ribs.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

Because the saury wonton filling is solid, the wonton wrapper should be slightly thicker, and the boiling time should not be too short.

Wonton, Wonton, Chaoshou... the difference is not just the name

The soup base of the saury wonton must be boiled with processed saury bones. The milky white fish soup exudes a tempting fragrance. After eating the wontons, a drop of the soup cannot be left behind.

Of course, there are still too many wontons from different regions that can't come one by one; the dough wrapped in a piece of wonton is the four-way style of China, a simple bowl, each with its own taste.


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